Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Libyan Elections

Elections are the democratic competition between political parties. People have to choose the best parties to serve their country. Party politicians need to be well-qualified, honest and not corrupt, to be able to help this country during this important phase.

Why are these elections the most important in the history of Libya?
These elections are the most important elections in the history of Libya because they will produce the National General Congress, that will choose the new constitution for the new Libya. It will also choose a new government and prepare for the presidential elections. All this is happening in Libya for the first time.

Unfortunately it seems like the National Transitional Council are dealing with this new situation like it has happened before, and as if Libyan people know about elections and the consequences of this serious phase. The NTC and government should be more supportive of these elections to make them successful.

Written by: Ahmed, Ayman and Walid

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